
As much as I love college ministry, my #1 ministry is my family and God has blessed me with some amazing children and an incredible wife! Benaiah was only 1.5 when the twins were born and the 18 months following were the hardest times of our lives. We’ve had to remind ourselves daily that, “God’s mercies are new every morning” and that “His grace is sufficient for us because his power is made perfect in weakness” and “We can do anything through him who strengthens us”. Through it all we have learned to cherish each moment and choose to embrace this life God has given us. Our kids have stretched and challenged us in ways we never knew existed but no doubt, they are the biggest blessings in our life!


“Bub man” was born June 8th, 2013 in Waterloo, Iowa, and was a hefty 8 lbs 10 oz. As our oldest he has his mother’s A type personality and loves being the older brother to his twin buddies. He is one of the easiest going, chill kids you can ever be around. He likes being around other people and is quick to call other kids his age or even adults, “friend”. Benaiah always needs to know what is going on and the specific details to every single thing happening that he is aware of. Listen to me, you cannot slip something past this little dude. He enjoys being outside, playing with his construction truck toys, playing with his dinosaurs, reading books, and watching sports with daddy. He is also one of the most kind hearted, servants we’ve seen for a kid his age and really enjoys baking with mommy!


Brody or “Brodster” is the older of the twins by 9 minutes and was born on an unforgettable date of December 13th, 2014 (12/13/14). He was roughly 6 lbs and unlike his brother Benaiah, there isn’t too much significance behind his name other than we like how it sounds. However their middles names are after Jon and his twin brother, Josh. Brody is one of the most playful and happy little guys you will find. When him and Corbyn aren’t fighting over a toy, he is usually laughing or smiling about something. He loves to read books while sitting in someone’s lap. Brody really likes to take his time with things. We’ve realized that he is quite oblivious to what is going on around him.


IMG_1979“Corby” or “Cober” was also born on December 13th, 2014 (obviously) at roughly 6 lbs. He is our youngest but you would never know it watching him. He is confrontational, bold, stubborn, and very brave. He is always wanting to do big kid things and live life a few years ahead of where he actually is. As strong willed as he can be, he is also very sweet and LOVES his mommy. If Benaiah was the easiest baby we can think of having, Corbyn is the hardest! But we love him for it and can’t think of life with just Brody or just Corbyn. He loves playing with any ball he can find and almost always gets his way. He will imitate almost anything daddy does, he especially likes following me around as I mow with his toy mower.


Carson was born August 17th at 12:55 pm. The 4th baby was the biggest coming in at 9lbs 2oz! Trista and I both guessed his weight before he was born and she got it perfectly. We didn’t know the gender so being our 4th boy out of only 4 kids, we weren’t too surprised but we loved the anticipation. He is a hairy guy, as you can see, and his brothers are quite fond of him. I suppose there isn’t a whole lot to say about him now other than he sleeps and eats really well!

We love his first name because 1) It is just an awesome name and 2) It goes well with Benaiah, Brody, and Corbyn 🙂 Trista’s Dad’s name is Steven (he goes by Steve) and so that is how we chose his middle name. We love our hairy man and although we did want a girl, 4 boys is pretty badass. What more could a father ask for?


Click on or scroll through the pictures below to see more of what our lives have been like since we started our family. God has been so good to us and our quiver is quickly filling up!

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